2 Ingredient Ice Cream

#antiinflammatory #autoimmune #bananas #dairyfree #dessert #icecream #paleodessert Feb 20, 2022

I am obsessed with this Ice Cream!

  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 2 Tablespoons Full Fat Coconut Milk from a can
  1. Break the frozen bananas into chunks and toss them into a mini food processor, along with the coconut milk
  2. Blend until the bananas break down into a soft-serve consistency, adding a little bit more coconut milk if needed. It should be creamy!
  3. Serve immediately for a soft-serve style dessert, or transfer to a sealed container and store in the freezer for a for a firmer, scoop-able ice cream

OMG it is so creamy, sweet, melt in your mouth delicious! Some other little tips I have tried:

  • Add a pinch of sea salt.  It is a nice balance of sweet, creamy and salty
  • Swap out banana for mango. Mangos are super creamy and sweet too. Or use a combination of the two!! Frozen raspberries are good too added with a small piece of frozen banana.
  • Try nut butters:  cashew, almond, even tahini…part of the fun is experimenting!
  • Mix 1 tbsp of coconut oil with raw cacao powder.  It makes chocolate sauce.  When you drizzle on your ice cream, it will harden just like Dairy Queen dipped cones!


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