#2 Trigger for AutoImmune Disorders

#autoimmune #inflammation #nutrition #poordiet Apr 01, 2020

The second most common trigger for any  AI condition is Poor Nutrition.  This includes:

  • The SAD: Standard American Diet

Unfortunately the SAD is filled with bad building blocks in the form of saturated and trans fats, refined sugars such as HFCS, refined carb, toxic additives and hormones.  The cumulative results of our poor dietary habits are evident in the epidemics of cancer, diabetes, heart and AI conditions.  These foods are TOXIC AND INFLAMMATORY to the body. Rember, Autoimmune is your body in a high INFLAMMATORY state.

  • Nutrient deficiencies is another thing we look for on blood work:  B vitamins, Vitamin D, (60-80 is the functional value) Coq10, Omega 3, magnesium
  • Biomarkers: Cholesterol, Insulin, Hormones, Antibodies. 
  • Genetics: MTHFR,  HLA-B27
  • Food Allergies/Sensitivities
  • GMO's
  • Leaky Gut

First I want to talk about antibodies.  There are several different antibodies for different conditions.  ALL antibodies should be tested if you suspect AI.  The reason is because not ALL antibodies will be triggered in an Autoimmune episode.

For Example: There are 3 Antibodies I always check for when assessing Thyroid: Thyroglobulin, TPO and Microsomal AB.  TPO is the most common, but I have seen people with no TPO but very high Thyroglobulin and vice versa, or people with all 3 antibodies triggered.  This is critical for knowing HOW to approach the AI attack.  Plus if TPO is the only test and it is fine but you still feel like crap, you probably need to dig deeper.

Next I want to talk about MTHFR.  MTHFR is a gene that produces an enzyme of the same name that affects methylation in the body: how the body breaks down B vitamins(specifically Folate and B12) as well as the breakdown of Homocysteine

  • Build up Homocysteine in our body
  •   contribute to a variety of ailments:

      cardiovascular disease

      renal disease

      neurodegenerative disease   osteoporosis

    • Elevated homocysteine has been associated with increased risk for many autoimmune diseases:

    diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo, Alzheimer’s disease

MTHFR is also needed for neurotransmitter production.  

Production of 

  • Serotonin, Dopamine, Epinepherine, Norepinephrine, Cortisol, GABA.  These are the bodies natural happy pills.


  • Associated with a variety of autoimmune diseases, ankylosing spondylitis
  • reactive arthritis (Reiter’s syndrome),
  • seronegative spondyloarthropathy
  • certain eye disorders(acute anterior uveitis and iritis),
  • psoriatic arthritis
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases (including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)
  • HLA known as DQ2 and DQ8
  • Has a 90% association with Celiac Disease

Critical to the recovery from AI is to know what these blood markers are, cleaning up diet and removing food allergies and sensitivities and healing the gut.  We will talk more about these in another blog.

Stay healthy my Friends

Dr Misty



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