3 Best Workout Tools to Have at Home

#booty #fitness #resistance #strongbody #workout May 12, 2020

You don't need a lot of room or a lot of equipment to get a great, fat burning, body sculpting, muscle building workout.

As a matter of fact, 2 of the 3 tools I recommend you can pack in your suitcase and take them with you ANYWHERE.

The first tool is called Loop Bands.  I got mine on amazon. Loop Bands.  If you can find them cheaper somewhere else, great, but they are inexpensive and there are 5 different resistances in the pack.

The second tool is a Stability Ball.  Again, I got mine on amazon. Stability Ball

The third tool is Resistance Bands, but not the ones with the handles. You can find these here: Resistance Bands.

Put a loop around your lower legs and take a walk, it will feel like you are walking through mud.  

Stay Healthy My Friend,

Dr Misty


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