Banana Broccoli Chocolate Chip Muffins

#dessert #greens #muffin #veggies Oct 09, 2020

Want to get more veggies into your day and your children's day?  This is a great way to add more greens to your diet.  Don't wrinkle your nose.  You haven't tasted these yet.  I made them for my kids and they loved them.

You can substitute spinach for broccoli, but we liked the broccoli version best.

Broccoli banana chocolate chip muffins


o   3 very ripe bananas

o   2 cups steamed broccoli (fairly small flowerets) or 3 cups raw spinach

o   1¼ cup blanched almond flour

o   ¼ cup coconut flour

o   ¼ cup flax meal

o   3 eggs

o   ¼ cup honey

o   1/3 cup natural apple sauce

o   ¾ tsp baking soda

o   ½ tsp salt

o   1 tsp vanilla

o   1½ tsp lemon juice

o   2/3 cups mini chocolate chips (optional)

  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a muffin pan (or line with paper muffin cups).
  2. Combine almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda and salt together in a small bowl.
  3. Blend bananas, broccoli and egg together in a blender, food processor or with an immersion blender. Pour out into a large bowl.
  4. Add honey, coconut oil, vanilla, lemon juice and flax meal to banana-broccoli mixture.
  5. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and stir to combine.
  6. Scoop mixture into muffin pan and bake for 30 minutes. Enjoy!

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