The ULTIMATE 5 Minute Meal

#5 minutemeal #easymeal #extraveggies #gluten free dinner Jun 16, 2020

Super simple to make with fresh vegetables and a protein of your choice: chicken , ground beef, or fish.

Chop the veggies of your choice. For this dish I used Carrots, Brussel Sprouts and Sweet onions.  I sprayed them with EVOO and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Season your protein however you would like.

Place your protein on the parchment paper, top with the veggies and then dollop with grass fed butter.  Fold up the parchment and your dinner is ready to go in the oven.  

Cook at 350 until the protein and veggies are cooked.  15-30 minutes.  Fish will take less time than ground beef.  If the chicken is thin like I used it may only take 15 minutes.  Always check the chicken to make sure it is cooked through but not dry..

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