Apple Galette

#applegalette #dairyfree #dessert #glutenfree #paleo #paleodessert May 01, 2021

Wanting to use up some apples but not make muffins or a full on apple pie, I made this dessert instead.  ** adapted from Paleo Sweets**


I wanted to eat the whole thing.  My house smelled so good as it was baking.  I know you will love this too.

You will need to make the Paleo Pie Crust but do not bake until the apples are in it.  Get the recipe here: Paleo Pie Crust

For the Galette you will need

  • 4 apples ( I used organic Gala apples)
  • 1 TBLS lemon or lime juice whichever you got
  • 5 TBLS grass fed butter or ghee
  • 3 TBLS raw honey
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  • Preheat the oven to 400

  • Roll out pie crust between 2 sheets of parchment paper to 1/4 inch thick
  • Place the rolled crust on parchment paper on a cookie sheet and remove top sheet of paper
  • In a small sauce pan melt 3 TBLS of butter or ghee with the honey and cinnamon
  • Slice the apples to 1/4 inch slices
  • Using a BBQ or pastry brush, brush the crust with some of the butter mixture and place a layer of apples down leaving at least 2 inches around the edges.
  • Brush the apples with the butter mixture and layer another row of apples on top and brush with the butter mixture.
  • Carefully using the parchment paper, roll the edges of the pie crust over the apples 

  • Melt remaining butter and brush over the edges of the pie crust and apples
  • Cook for 30 minutes, brush the edges and apples again with butter and cook for another 30 minutes or until the crust and apples fully cooked.

**by accident I baked mine at 350 and it only took the 60 minutes so watch carefully at the 400 degree temp.  




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