Arugala Salad with Balsamic Dressing

#arugala #chickpea #mealprep #salad #vegan #vegetarian Feb 14, 2021

(2 Servings)

4 Cups of Arugula 

2 Tomatoes

1 Cup of Chopped Cucumber

1 Cup of Chickpeas

2 Tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar

1/4 Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pinch of Sea Salt and Pepper


  • Pre-heat the oven to 200C/400F.
  • Drain and wash the chickpeas and then pat them dry with a paper towel. Spread the chickpeas out on a baking sheet with parchment paper and drizzle the 2 Tbsp of olive oil on top. Bake the chickpeas for 30 minutes, moving them around every 10 minutes.
  • While the chickpeas are baking prepare the salad ingredients. Make the dressing by combining the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, sea salt and pepper.
  • You can add a sweetener of choice here as well if desired.
  • Once the chickpeas are done toss them into the prepared salad for a much healthier crouton alternative.


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