Asian Quinoa Salad

#5minutemeal #asianquinoasalad #glutenfree #salad #vegetarian Jun 23, 2020

I love quinoa.  It is such a versatile and underused gluten free grain.  If you have looked through my recipes you will see I use it in many dishes.

I went outside my comfort zone and tried and asian flare.  This salad is great on its own and is packed with protein from the quinoa and the edemame, but if you want to add some grilled chicken to the side, mmm, mmm, good.

Ingredients for the Salad:

  • Cook 1 cup of quinoa in 2 cups water and let cool
  • 1 cup red cabbage shredded
  • 1 red pepper chopped
  • 1/2 cup matchstick or shredded carrot
  • 1 cup cooked edemame (I didn't know this existed until I saw it in the store so SCORE)
  • 1 cup cucumber chopped

Place all ingredients in a bowl and make dressing:

  • 1 TBLS sesame oil
  • 1 TBLS rice wine vinegar
  • 2 TBLS chopped green onion
  • 1/4 C chopped cilantro
  • 1/4 tsp grated ginger or I just used a big sprinkle of ground ginger
  • 1/8 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 C low sodium gluten free Tamari Sauce

Place all ingredients in a mason jar, cover and shake to mix and pour over veggies and quinoa, toss to coat.

**if you like you can season with salt and pepper to taste if it needs it, but this recipe didn't need it.

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