Awesome Egg Roll in a Bowl Dinner

#10minutemeal #eggrollinabowl #onepot #recipe Mar 15, 2020

The first time I made this for my family of 5, there were no left overs, and my kids wanted more to eat.  It was that good, they could 't get enough of it. As a matter of fact, this was the requested birthday meal from my daughter for her 18th birthday dinner.

Every time I make it I have to double the recipe it is that good.

And the fact that it is all made in one pot is a BONUS.  If you haven't figured it out I love to be able to cook my meals in one pan, one pot, one sheet, in a pack.  It just makes things easier and I am all about getting things done easier. 

So here it is, the recipe. Now what's really cool about this is you can use a different protein each time you make it to find which is your favorite. I have used sweet turkey sausage, spicy sausage, a mixture of turkey sausage and turkey chorizo. I have tried chicken sausage as well and Italian sausage.  We all like the turkey sausage the best.  The key is to get the meat out of the casing before browning it. Or if you can find a turkey sausage in bulk, even better.  You can use ground pork too.  I just don't care for pork.  I like to use the turkey as it is leaner.  And as always I use a nitrite, nitrate free, organic, turkey sausage with no junk or sugar in it.

Egg Roll In A Bowl
• 1 pound (5 links) turkey sausage taken out of the casing.  
• 6 cups coleslaw or chopped cabbage.
• 4 cloves minced garlic
• 1 tablespoon minced ginger or 1 tsp ground ginger is you don't have fresh on hand
• 1 tablespoon  Gluten Free Tamari low sodium sauce
• 1/4 cup chopped green onions
• 1- 2 teaspoons sesame oil your taste preference.

1. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the sausage and cook, stirring often to crumble, until cooked through. Do not drain.
2. Add the coleslaw mix, garlic, ginger, and soy sauce to the skillet with the sausage. Cook for three to four minutes
3. Remove from the heat and top with the green onions and drizzle with sesame oil.

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