Balsamic Chicken Cups

#antiinflammatory #autoimmune #chicken #dinner #lunch Oct 10, 2023

3⁄4 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts, cooked, cooled, and shredded
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 large avocado

1 medium carrot peeled 
1 celery stalk, minced
Sea salt, to taste

6 whole butter leaf lettuce leaves
3 scallions, thinly sliced

Primal Kitchen Balsamic Dressing(optional)

Prepare the chicken if you have not yet already.  I cooked my chicken in the crock pot covered in chicken bone broth until it was fork tender, pull apart.  

Add the carrots, celery and scallions to the pulled apart chicken and toss together. If it seems dry add a tablespoon or two of Primal Kitchen Balsamic dressing 

Use a fork to mash together the vinegar and avocado 

Divide the avocado equally among the lettuce leaves, top with the chicken mixture and splash some white balsamic vinegar or additional regular balsamic vinegar over top. 

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