Beef Fajita Bowl

#antiinflammatory #beefbowl #beeffajitabowl #dinner #lowcarb Sep 24, 2022


(2 Servings)

8 oz Beef Sirloin Strips

1 Red Bell Pepper

1/2 Cup of Onions

2 Cloves of Garlic

1/2 Cup of Brown Rice

1 Avocado

1 Tbsp of Coconut Oil

Fajita Seasoning:

1 Tbsp Paprika

1 tsp Garlic Powder

1 tsp Onion Powder

1/2 tsp Cayenne Powder

Or if you are short on time or having your son cook dinner for you, you can use a Beef Fajita Seasoning Sauce Packet from Frontera ( 1 per pound of meat)  Frontera is an organic, non-gmo seasoning sauce found in the Mexican isle at the grocery.


  • Prepare the rice according to packaging directions.
  • Place a pan on medium heat and add the coconut oil. Once the oil has melted add the onions and garlic and sauté for 1 minute.
  • Add the beef strips and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile cut the red pepper into strips. Once the beef is ready add the peppers and all the fajita seasoning spices and cook for an extra 5 minutes.
  • Combine in a bowl the beef mixture, brown rice and mashed avocado.

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