Black Bean Burger

#blackbeanburger #blackbeans #realfood #sandwich #veganburger #vegetarian Feb 16, 2021


(2 Servings) 

1 Can of Black Beans

1/4 Cup of Gluten Free Oatmeal

1/4 Cup of Chopped Onion

2 Cloves of Garlic

1/4 Cup of Fresh Parsley

1 tsp of Chilli Powder

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper(optional) I did not use in my batch.

1/2 tsp of Sea Salt

1/2 tsp of Pepper


  • Drain and rinse the black beans and pat dry with paper towel. 
  • Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and the mixture becomes sticky.
  • Form 4 patties and cook on the stove top on medium heat with coconut oil.
  • Fry the patty for about 3-5 minutes each side and then you can add any of your favourite toppings to the burger patties.

These were so good, and kid approved, even from my son who always wants meat with his meals.  Here is the prepped burgers.  I double the recipe for the 4 of us.

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