Broccoli Pesto Chicken

#autoimmune #broccolibasilpesto #chicken #dairyfree #gluten free #pasta #pesto Sep 11, 2022

This delicious comfort meal, is easy to make, and the leftovers are great!

This recipe serves 4


2 cups Cooked Brown Rice Penne Pasta (I like Jovial and they have a cassava pasta too for those that are on an autoimmune plan or can't have any grains)

4 heaping  cups broccoli florets

10-14 large basil leaves

Tbsp avocado oil

3/4-1 pound cooked shredded chicken (I buy mine already cooked)

Fresh parsley

Salt and Pepper to taste

1/4 cup Nutritional Yeast




Cook pasta according to directions

While pasta cooking, make the pesto:

Blend the broccoli, basil, and oil in food processor or blender to create the pesto. Set aside.


Chop the chicken into bite size pieces.

Once the pasta is done, drain and place in a bowl and add 1 TBLS ghee and mix.


Melt a tablespoon of ghee, add a clove of minced garlic and cook for 1 minuted, then add the pesto and mix together. Cook for another minute and push to side of pan.

Add 3 tsp EVOO to pan and add chicken pieces along with salt and pepper, mix to heat through

Add the pasta and cover with 1/4 cup nutritional yeast, mix every thing together.  

Add more salt and pepper to taste along with 1 more TBSP ghee and mix.

Sprinkle with fresh parsley


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