Brussel Sprout "Popcorn"

#airfry #brussel sprouts #side dish #snack Mar 28, 2020

I "discovered" this yummy treat by accident.   (To make this you will need an Airfryer.)

So one night for dinner I was cutting up brussel sprouts for dinner.  The leafs just kept falling off.  Once all the brussel sprouts were cut I sprayed with Avocado oil, salt and pepper and placed in an air fryer at 400 degrees.  

The leafs kept falling off everytime I would shake the fryer basket.

I just kept cooking.


It took about 15 minutes, and they LOOKED burnt but they weren't.  They were crunchy, salty and tasted like popcorn.  A great addition to dinner, for a snack, for those times you want something crunchy, make these.  My kids loved them too.  They were leary because they looked burnt, but I just said they had to try one...guess what?  They were all gone before dinner ended.

Snack healthy my friend,

Dr Misty


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