Butternut Squash Soup

#antiinflammatory #autoimmune #butternutsquash #fallrecpes #soup Oct 23, 2020

Butternut Squash Soup

Serves 4

  • 40oz  butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cut into 1-inch cubes( I buy mine pre cut)
  • 1 carton Chicken bone Broth-organic
  • 1⁄4 cup nutritional yeast Salt and pepper to taste

Bring stock and squash to a boil in a covered soup pot. Reduce heat to medium and cook until squash is tender. Remove from heat.

Puree squash mixture in blender, or with an immersion blender. Add salt and nutritional yeast and blend again. t

Great on its own or if you want it heartier, add a protein on the side, or add it to the soup.

I batch cook this and divide it into 4 servings for lunches during the week and just add some cooked chicken sausage to it.

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