Carrot Cauliflower Soup & Cooking with Cam

#antiinflammatory #autoimmune #carrots #cauliflower #cooking with cam #soup #vegan Apr 25, 2020

The book that put me on the path to better health over 25 years ago  is called "The Body Ecology Diet".   If you want to work on restoring immunity, and if you have problems with Candida, I cannot recommend this book enough.  

One of the recipes that became a go to in my college days and even now is Carrot Cauliflower Soup.  My kids love it,  it makes a huge pot so there are delicious leftovers, and it is super simple to make.

Here is what you will need:

1 large onion chopped

4 cups of carrots chopped

1 small head of cauliflower chopped

1 Tablespoon Tarragon

3-4 Tablespoons grass fed butter ot ghee



Water to keep it vegan (or bone broth for some protein and more gut healing)


Cook the onion in the ghee with the dried tarragon until translucent.  Add the carrots, cauliflower,  Herbamare and water(or broth) to cover.  Simmer until veggies are fork tender and then blend using an immersion blender or if you don't have a hand blender, a regular blender.  Return soup to pot if using a blender and season with salt to your taste.

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