Chicken Hobo Packs

Mar 12, 2020

If you want a delicious, balanced meal in one pack, this is the recipe for you.  I premake these packs on Sunday to be made on Monday or Tuesday.

I usually make more than I need to have for lunch or on "leftover night".

So double or triple this recipe, you won't regret it.

 Four Servings:

4 small redskin potatoes

3 carrots

1/2 sweet onion

1 head of broccoli

20 brussel sprouts

4 thin sliced chicken breast or 4 breast pounded thin and evened out.

Spray the veggies with avocado oil and sprinkle seasoning on them.  I use Old Bay, Paprika, Himalayan Pink Salt, , Parsley, Kelp Sea Seasonings(on the onion), Garlic Powder.

Season chicken with whatever you would like and place on a sheet of parchment paper. Top the chicken with a portion of the veggies and wrap the chicken up. Do this for all the pieces of chicken. Refrigerate until ready to cook. No later than 2 days later. Cook at 350 for  30 minutes.

                                  Finished Packs Place in Fridge Until Ready to Cook

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