Cinnamon: Not Just For Baking

#cinnamon #curbcravings #guthealth #lowerbloodpressure #lowertype2diabetes Jun 07, 2021
Cinnamon is a spice, sprinkled on toast and lattes. But extracts from the bark as well as leaves, flowers, fruits, and roots of the cinnamon tree have also been used in traditional medicine around the world for thousands of years. It's used in cooking and baking, and added to many foods.
There are 2 main varieties of cinnamon: Ceylon and Cassia.  One must beware that cinnamon has coumarin properties.  Coumarin is a chemical compound that thins blood and prevents it from clotting.
Ceylon has a low coumarin content and Cassia has a high coumarin content and may harm the liver if consumed in high quantities.
What most don't know about cinnamon is that it can help curb cravings for sugar/sweets and helps to support healthy blood sugar and insulin levels. 

Here are 6 health benefits of cinnamon

  • It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Contains antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effects. 
  • Its prebiotic properties may improve gut health. 
  • Reduces blood pressure. 
  • Lowers blood sugar and risk of type 2 diabetes. 
  • Relieves digestive discomfort.

Read more about the health benefits of cinnamon, and start adding a dash or more of the Ceylon type to your morning coffee or tea.  I know you will love it.

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