Coconut Flour Crepes

#antiinflammatory #breakfast #crepes #glutenfree #lunch #pancakes Jul 16, 2023

Need an alternative to pancakes?  Check this crepe recipe out.  I was skeptical at first but I love them!

Here’s what you will need
3 tablespoons coconut flour
5 eggs
2 tablespoons avocado or coconut oil
1/2 cup water.
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Using a small round pan, heat using a little bit of butter or avocado oil spray. Pour about 1/6 of batter on pan, swirl until it makes a circle and cook until bubbles form and it doesn’t stick to pan anymore. Flip and cook for a few more seconds.
Use as an alternative to wraps, bread, or dessert.
I spread a bit of peanut butter on mine with a drizzle of maple syrup and blueberries on the side.  YUM!

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