Collagen Protein Bread

#bread #cleaneats #keto #lowcarb #recipe Mar 22, 2020

Collagen Protein Bread

So, I "borrowed" this recipe from Keto Vale.  

Now ever since changing my diet I have not craved or even wanted to eat bread or pasta.  But sometimes, especially when I make soup, I like to wipe the bowl with "bread".  I have made gluten free keto rolls often and will post that recipe, but I wanted something different, so I looked up a recipe to use what I had on hand in my pantry.  Now, I am not saying to eat a keto diet/lifestyle, but I do eat lower carb and gluten free.  

So my daughter and I worked together to make this bread.  It was our first go through and it certainly didn't look like the picture on the internet, but it was tasty and I will be able to make it better next time. 

Here is the recipe:



  • Preheat the oven to 325 F.
  • In a bowl, combine all the dry ingredients.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together coconut milk, egg yolks and melted coconut oil.
  • In another bowl, whip egg whites until peaks form.
  • Fold both dry and wet ingredients in the whipped egg whites bowl and mix until incorporated.
  • Brush your loaf dish (9x5x3-inch size) with coconut oil.
  • Pour the batter into loaf dish and bake for 40 minutes.
  • Let cool completely and slice





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