Dairy Free Chocolate Pudding

#antiinflammatory #autoimmune #chocolatepudding #dairyfree #dessert Sep 12, 2022

I have never been a pudding fan, but something made me try this: 

It was really good-


1 can full fat coconut milk

1 TBSP unflavored gelatin

1/3 cup water

1/3 cup maple syrup

1/3 cup cacao powder

1 tsp vanilla


Pour water into a bowl and sprinkle gelatin over it to hydrate.

while gelatin hydrating, bring coconut milk to a boil.

Pour hot coconut milk over gelatin and stir well to dissolve

In a small bowl combine the maple syrup with the cacao and whisk until smooth. 

Add the cacao mixture and vanilla to the coconut milk and whisk to combine.

Set bowl in fridge to firm about 4 hours or if you need it faster, place the mixture in a covered glass dish an put in freezer, it should set in about an hour.

Eat as is or with some coconut cream!

Serves 6


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