Dark Green Leafy Salad with Homemade Balsamic Dressing

Apr 13, 2020

I found this really great pesticide free NON GMO lettuce.  I mean it was really good.  Crunchy, actually flavorful without the dressing, and so FRESH, even coming in a package.  It is a local brand grown here in Ohio.   

My recommendations for you if you don't live in Ohio?  Check out your local farm stands and/or your local grocer will often carry small growers products and they are not more expensive.  Each of these packages was .99 cents.  The name brand organic lettuces are usually 3.99 in my area!

Anyway, this dish was a quick side to beef stir fry we had one night for dinner.  It was just the lettuce, some crumbled feta and homemade Balsamic Dressing.

Here is the dressing recipe.  I put everything in a glass mason jar and shook it to combine. 

2.5 Tablespoons  Balsamic Vinegar

1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard

2-3 Green onions chopped or 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic

salt and pepper to taste

1/3-1/2 cup EVOO.

That's all there is too it.  Any time you want to use it, just shake and pour.  This recipe lasted for 2 salads for my family of 5.



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