Low Carb Spaghetti Dinner

#5 minute meal #fast meal #lowcarb #spaghetti Sep 11, 2020

I don't eat pasta, but my family occasionally asks me to make spaghetti with meat sauce.  Here is my healthier version of Spag and Meat sauce: 


  • 1 pound low fat 94 or higher percent grass fed ground beef
  • 1 link chicken chorizo sausage
  • 1 large jar low sugar tomato sauce or marinara
  • 1 package Low Carb Black Bean Pasta, zoodles or spiralized sweet potato
  • Spices

Brown the beef and chorizo(or use turkey if you prefer), add minced garlic, italian seasoning, oregano, himalayan pink salt and mix.  Add the sauce and simmer until heated through.  

While cooking the meat, cook the pasta.

Serve with a dark green leafy salad.

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