Egg and Vegetable Bake

#breakfast #cookingwithkids #dinner #eggbake #eggdinner #eggs #veggies Jun 27, 2020

Another great meal for teaching the kids to cook.  This dish can be prepped on Sunday to be baked another day during the week.

For this meal I used 12 eggs, a couple tablespoons of Unsweetened Nut milk and 2 cups of broccoli.

I also added oven baked Garret Valley Bacon(nitrite/nitrate free Paleo approved bacon).  

to give it a cheesy flavor sprinkle in some Nutritional yeast, or if your diet allows, sprinkle in some organic grass fed cheddar cheese.

We mixed everything together and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Once it is all mixed, pour into a glass pan, cover a refrigerate up to 2 days.  

Baked at 375 degrees.  Bake for about 30 minutes or until the eggs are set in the middle.

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