Grain Free Overnight "Oats"

#breakfast #grainfeeovernightoats #grainfree Sep 12, 2022

Grain Free Overnight “OATS”


  • 3 TBLS hemp hearts/seed
  • ½ TBLS coconut flour
  • 2 TBLS  Bulletprood Collagen Protein or Vital Proteins
  • 2 tsps chia seeds(opt)
  • ⅔ cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon
  • Toppings: fresh berries, unsweetened coconut, almond butter, walnuts, raw almonds, raw cashews


Add all ingredients except the toppings to a mason jar. Stir until well combined. Cover and refrigerate overnight to thicken.

In the morning if it is real thick you can add more milk, stir, add your toppings and enjoy!




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