
#bonebroth #glutenfree #gravy Dec 08, 2020

I am not a fan of gravy.  Most gravies are full of fat, sodium and other junk.  I also don't like cream of "anything" soups.

However, gravy or cream of "something"  is needed for some of my recipes.  Here is what I have come up with and it smells like Thanksgiving Stuffing.  

I make this for Thanksgiving as well as for my substitute for a creamed soup in my Chicken Pot Pie.


1.5 cups chicken bone broth or chicken broth

2 Tsp Braggs organic sprinkle seasoning

2 tsp parsley and a dash of sage (if you don't have sage that's ok, don't need it.)

1 TBLS grass fed butter(can omit if you want a lower fat gravy)

4 tsp arrowroot flour dissolved in 1/4 c bone  broth/plain broth



Place first 4 ingredients in saucepan and bring to boil

Add the arrowroot mixture to thicken gravy and turn heat down.  Cook until thickened.  If you need more thickening at 2 more tsp arrowroot to cold water to dissolve and add to sauce pan.

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