HELP! My Body is Attacking Itself.

#autoimmune #lupus #ra #thyroid digestion Mar 25, 2020

When your body is under attack from a bacteria or virus it creates antibodies, the bodies defense system. That's a GOOD thing. But if the immune system can't tell if something in your blood is a friend or foe then "autoantibodies" start to attack it's own protein tissues. That's NOT good.

All Autoimmune conditions are essentially the same process occurring in the body: the inflammed immune system under the strain of continual triggers mistakes healthy tissue as foreign and begins to destroy it. The only difference between the various AI conditions is which organ is being attacked.

For me it was my Thyroid. What a horrible time in my life that was. Not only was my body attacking itself, my thyroid went haywire and I had full blown hypothyroidism. Weight gain, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, depression, hair loss, always name it, I experienced it.

Now for others, it may not be the Thyroid. Lupus is an autoimmune condition that can attack the skin, liver, joints etc. With type 1 diabetes its the pancreas. RA it's the joints. With MS it is the brain and spinal cord and with ulcerative colitis it is the large intestines.

Basically, there are over 100 different AI conditions, any system can be affected. Unfortunately in traditional medicine they have very few answers except for medications: usually to suppress the immune system or to chemically try to suppress the inflammation. All the while you still feel like crap.

I'm here to tell you, you do not have to continue to suffer and feel like crap.

In the upcoming weeks we are gonna dive deep into the triggers of Autoimmune to help you uncover WHY your body is attacking itself and HOW you can stop it. See you on the inside!

Stay healthy my friend

Dr Misty


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