I Don't Have Time To Make That...

#can'tmakemyown #cleaning #naturalcleaner #nontoxic Feb 22, 2020

As a busy mom of 3,  running my practice,  running my household,  meal prep, cleaning, getting a workout in, you get the picture, I feel like I can't put ANOTHER thing on my plate.

Like any mom, I want the best for my family.  I want to do EVERYTHING I can for them so they grow up happy, healthy, safe, and know they are loved.  Sometimes, though, that can seem like the impossible.

I love to provide whole, organic foods to eat, use natural products for cleaning, brushing teeth, deodorant, etc.  But I will be honest, I DON'T HAVE THE TIME OR DESIRE TO MAKE MY OWN, and that makes me feel like a bad mom.  Have you ever felt like that?

I was reading a post from a wonderful woman talking about this spray she used that basically repels and fixes everything: Think Windex (for those of you who saw the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding).  The spray sounds awesome, natural and something that is right up my alley.  

I just don't have the time to find all the oils, make it, bottle it up...well I probably could find the time, I just don't want to.  Instead, I have found my miracle short cut wonder for cleaning my counters, fruits and veggies, I could even use it on my teeth.  

The Short cut I do is I use Thieves Cleaner.  It is a product from Young Living.  **I do not get anything from them, I am just sharing what I personally use.

I use the Thieves general cleaner and the Thieves Fruit and Vegetable wash

My house smells like Christmas and shines like a star.  I also feel good knowing I am not infecting my home with toxic chemicals that we get exposed to that can wreak havoc on our health.

Stay Healthy My Friend


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