How to Prevent Colds and Flus

#autoimmune #lowd #vitamind Mar 12, 2020

Of course there are many things we can do and take when we get sick.  There are even preventative things you may do regularly now to help keep you from getting sick:  drinking lots of water,  avoiding sugar, takeing a multi vitamin,  drinking your greens etc.  But the number one thing that you can do to prevent colds and flus?  Vitamin D.

I can hear you say it now:  I'm in the sun all the time,  I take Vitamin D in the winter months, or,  yeah I take it sometimes....   I hear these exact words from my patients all the time.

Unfortunately, these are the people who are getting sick all the time and they are deficient in Vitamin D, despite taking it.

While most people think of their bones and preventing osteoporosis with Vitamin D,  this vitamin is more critical for your immune system.  The better your Vitamin D levels, the better the immune system, the more protected you are from viruses, bacteria, even certain cancers.  Vitamin D is also a precursor to making hormones and helping with insulin resistance, the precursor to Diabetes.

Anyway,  one of THE BEST things you can do for your health and for the health of your family is to take Vitamin D ALL year long.  Even if you go out into the sun, that doesn't produce enough for your body.  

But WAIT.  Don't just go out and pick the cheapest bottle off the shelf and start eating them like Chuckles ( I think I just revealed my age).   Here is what you need to do first:

1) Have your vitamin D3 levels checked.  Your children too.  My children all were low when they had the test despite being outside. (there aren't too many foods that make Vitamin D3 in the body).  These are the FUNCTIONAL ranges that your D level should be at:  for adults its 60-80,  for children its 40-60.  Most docs will say as long as you are above 30 you are ok.  That just isn't true.  So remember these numbers.

2) Once you know your levels you can supplement accordingly.

3) Not all supplements are created equal.  Over 90% of the patients that I tested in my office were deficient AND most were already taking a D vitamin.  Quality counts here.  I use a product from a company called Xymogen. Their products are third party tested and certified.  These products move the needle on blood tests, that is why I use them.  It has Vitamin D and vitamin K (which helps to drive the D into the cells), making it more effective.  **If you are on a blood thinner you cannot take Vitamin K so just get a supplement with out it.  Xymogen is only distributed by Health care practitioners, ao another company I trust is Designs for Health and their D comes with K as well, you can find their products on Amazon or set up an account directly with the company.

My point?  We all want to stay healthy during the "winter" months, we hate to see our kids suffer.  The best offense is to play defense and that means supporting the immune system all year with vitamin D. 

Stay healthy my friends.





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