I'm Glad You are Here.

#easy #healthyliving #moms #simple Feb 22, 2020

Hi, I'm Dr Misty Senz. I'm the one in the blue shirt.  I'm a Mom of 3,  Functional Wellness Practitioner, Chiropractor, and business owner   I like to teach women like you by giving you the tools needed to feel less overwhelmed.  When it comes to running the household, working, making healthy meals, working out, and keeping everyone healthy and happy it can seem like a never ending struggle. Even when it seems like you will be "stuck like this forever", there is a light for you at the end of the tunnel. With the right steps, together we can change your path of feeling stressed, unsure of what to do and make, and maybe even you are sick, tired and lost to knowing exactly what to do and how to make the change for a better more vibrant YOU.

You can change all that starting right now. 

No need to reinvent the wheel.

After 20 years of running a business as a solo practitioner, raising 3 babies, going to school, and trying to do all and be all for everyone to the point that I became ill, I finally got it figured out and I want to share it with you so you don't have to make the same mistakes I made.

Why am I here?

  • You deserve to have things easier.  Moms work so hard and get very little time off.  Imagine what 1 hour to your self would be like.
  • If even one thing I write helps to put you on a better path toward your optimum health and vitality that is a win-win.
  • Every mom wants the best for their babies. Healthy families are happy families. 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner have helped many a family stay healthy and restore health without medication, so if I can share with you some of the tricks of the trade LET'S DO IT. 

I hope you are encouraged that there is hope. With a little planning, and some structure,  you can have more freedom, more "me" time, more family time, more FUN. 

Stay Healthy My Friends



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