Low Carb Enchilada Pie

#enchilada #lowcarbdinner #mealprep #tacotuesday Sep 11, 2020

I pre-make this dinner on Sunday to be reheated Monday night when I work later at the office.

Serve with some avocado and a side salad and you have a well rounded meal.


  • 4 low carb tortillas ( for those who can't have gluten, I use Julian Bakery Paleo Thin Wraps)
  • 1 can drained and rinsed organic back beans
  • .8-1 pound pre cooked shredded chicken
  • 1 Pack Frontera Enchilada sauce
  • 1/4 c  shredded cheese (optional)



  • Using 3 tortillas line a pie plate.  One of the Wraps should be cut in half and the wraps will overlap.  cook at 375 degrees until the tortillas are crisp around the edges.   
  • While the shell is cooking, mix the black beans, shredded chicken(cut into smaller pieces), enchilada sauce and cheese if using.
  • When the shell is done, add the chicken and bean mixture to the pan and cover with remaining tortilla(cut into 4 pieces) Bake until tortilla crisp.  
  • Serve right away or let cool, Cover with tin foil, refrigerate and reheat another night.   

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