Metabolic Training For Weight Loss

#fitness #workout weightloss Mar 22, 2020

The idea behind metabolic training is to do specific intense exercise intervals to increase the efficiency of your body's metabolism (hence "metabolic" training). This trains your body to burn more calories at rest - a phenomenon sometimes referred to as "afterburn" since your body is burning calories after you've worked out.

This type of training is absolutely ESSENTIAL for women over 40, especially those with hormone imbalances.  

How do I know that?

Well, I have experienced it.

Not to bore you with the details, but I have always worked out.  I have been a fitness instructor for over 25 years, played sports at the college level and just plain love working out.

One thing I had NEVER done was run a marathon(still haven't) or 1/2 marathon.  I was in my early 40's when I decided to see if I could run 13.1 miles.  I had always told myself I could never do that, I hate running, I don't have the time to train, I can't do this, I can't do that.  You get the picture.  

Well, that is a really crappy mindset. So I decided to prove myself wrong.  

Low and behold,  I trained and I did it.  3 times.  Now, after my 3rd half marathon, I decided that was it and I haven't run since. I don't regret doing them and I don't regret not running anymore.  It really isn't my thing. I would much rather pick up some heavy weight or do some quick sprints.

Anyway, my point with women over 40 needing to exercise differently: Training for and running the half marathons took a toll on my body.  It was a stress that triggered my Autoimmune issue to rear it's ugly head again.  My hormones got out of whack and I actually gained weight through all the training and even more after.

I had to change my focus and goals for working out.

That is when I learned about metabolic training.

Not only were the workouts shorter, there was a heck of a lot more variety. 

I could do cardio exercises, strength, isometrics, plyometrics, even pilates moves.

Not only did I lose weight, but I was able to reshape my body as well, AND it was FUN! I added more muscle tone and definition and slimmed down, especially in my tummy area which let's face it after 3 pregnancies wasn't so hot looking.

Now you would ALMOST not know I had kids...

Anyhoo,  my workouts now, and what I teach and share both on the page and in my 30 Day Beginners Workout program are these types of workouts that will get you results FAST.


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