No Matter What I Do, I Can't Seem to Lose Weight.

#autoimmune #leakygut #weightgain #weightloss Mar 10, 2020

What most people don’t understand is that digestive issues, food sensitivity, out of control sugar cravings, problems maintaining a healthy weight, brain fog, mood swings, fatigue, headaches, skin problems, yeast infections, and UTIs all have one thing in common — your gut.

All illness (as well as good health) begins in the gut and when your gut is suffering, there’s a good chance that the rest of your health will, too.

One of the most prevalent culprits behind all of the issues is called Leaky Gut Syndrome, which can wear down your intestinal lining, making it easier for harmful toxins to breakthrough and wreak havoc on your health.

So What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome? 

In addition to breaking down food and absorbing nutrients, the digestive tract also plays an important role in protecting your body from harmful toxins and substances. Essentially, the walls of your digestive tract are like barriers, helping to control what enters your bloodstream to be later transported to your organs.

Tight junctions, which are the small gaps in the intestinal wall, allow water and other nutrients to pass through. These tight junctions also block the passage of harmful substances. 

Unfortunately, there are several triggers which can loosen these gaps allowing toxins, bacteria, viruses, and other "stuff" to leak into your blood stream causing inflammation and ultimately poor health. But what about the weight gain? Well when the balance of your gut flora is off kilter, you have inflammation, poor absorption of nutrients, and poor absorption is associated with insulin resistance. Meaning you make too much of the stuff and insulin is a FAT STORING HORMONE, YIKES!

So, cleaning up the gut, repairing the lining, eating the right healing foods for the gut and busting the insulin barrier can put you on track for weight loss AND better energy. Who doesn't want that?

Stay Healthy My Friends

Dr Misty 


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