Paleo Sweet Potatoes

#antiinflammatory #sweetpotatoe #paleo Nov 14, 2023

For those who like to follow an AIP diet structure or are on an Autoimmune or elimination diet, here is how you can enjoy some "sweet potato casserole" during the holidays.

I doubled this recipe for my family.



2.5 pounds sweet potatoes cubed

4 TBLS butter or ghee

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp salt

For the Topping(if you cannot have nuts, do not use.)

1/2 cup chopped raw pecans

1 TBLS butter/ghee/coconut oil

1-2 TBLS coconut sugar(optional)

Boil sweet potatoes until fork tender

Using an electric mixer, mix the sweet potatoes with butter, cinnamon, and salt.  If you need more creaminess add a dash of chicken bone broth, or another touch of butter or ghee.

Place the sweet potatoes in a oven safe pan.  

Toss the pecans in a little bit of melted butter, ghee, or coconut oil and if using, the coconut sugar.  Sprinkle over the casserole.  Cover and save to heat up next day, or cook in oven at 350 until the pecans on top are golden on top!



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