Pork Loin and Vegetable Meal Prep Hack

#meal prep #pork #porkloin #recipe Mar 15, 2020

Preparing and cooking delicious and nutritious meals doesn't have to take long to do.  I know I don't have time everyday to make gourmet.  I am sure you don't either.

Now I don't buy the precut vegetables all the time, but I often prepare 3-4 meals at a time on Sunday, so sometimes the premade stuff will shorten the prep time.

Anyhow, for this meal I used 2 plain organic pork loins, covered them in a dry spice rub and let then sit all day, to be grilled when roasting the veggies.  You could do this or use the rub, cover with broth in a crock pot and cook on low for 4 hours or until the pork pulls apart. 

So, I was ready to start grilling, when the grill wouldn't light so I had to go to plan B.

I placed the 2 pork loins on a large cookie sheet along with the roasted veggies and baked in the oven at 425 for 30 minutes.  I took the veggies out at about 22 minutes, kept warm and finished cooking the pork.  

Prep time: 5 minutes. Cook time 30 and voila dinner.  This is the spice rub I used. I got it at TJ Maxx.



What you will need:

  • 1-2 plain organic pork loins (it's always good to make extra for lunch the next day. Keep life simple)
  • Several cups of chopped veggies like onion, carrot, broccoli, brussel sprouts, zucchini, yellow squash, 1 -2 red skin potatoes or 1 medium sweet potatoe
  • Organic low sodium Chicken Broth if cooking in the crock pot
  • A spice rub or use different spices like garlic powder, minced garlic, chili powder, paprika, parsley, salt, pepper, etc.
  • EVOO 


  • Coat the pork with the dry rub 
  • Chop the vegetables and toss in EVOO so they all get coated. Season with salt and pepper
  • If using the crock pot, place pork in crock pot and cook on low 4-6 hours.  The pork is done when it just falls apart when you put a fork in it.
  • Roast the veggies at 425 for 20-30 minutes or until they are all tender and browned.

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