Quinoa and Vegetables

#5minutemeal #antiinflammatory #guthealth #quinoa #quinoaandveg #vegetable #vegetarian #veggies Jan 23, 2022

This is my all time favorite lunch prep dish in the fall and winter..  I can make this on Sunday and have it for lunch M-Th.  It is really versatile.  I can eat it as is, or add a protein like hard boiled eggs or grilled chicken to change it up, or add some avocado to give it a bit more healthy fat.  

Here is what you will need

1 cup uncooked quinoa and cook it as directed on package.  

  • 1 sweet onion chopped
  • minced garlic : as much as you like
  • 1 carrot peeled and chopped
  • 1-2 zucchini chopped
  • 1 large yellow squash
  • 1 each red and yellow bell pepper

Heat some EVOO in a large pan and cook the onions and garlic.. This is where I like to sprinkle in Sea Seasonings.  After a few minutes I add the carrots and sprinkle in some Himalayan Pink Salt.  A dash of water here may be necessary to keep the veggies from sticking.  Once the onions have cooked down add in the zucchini and yellow squash and parsley.  More water may be necessary here to to help cook the squashed.  After a few minutes add the peppers, more parsely, and if you want, add a handful of frozen peas, and more sea seasonings.  Once all the veggies are cooked, add the quinoa and mix.

Now you are ready to eat.  You can customize your dish each time you eat it with more salt, some Old Bay, or other seasoning, whatever you like.


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