Rainbow Salad

#dinner #lunch #mealinminutes #salad #vegan #vegetarian Feb 14, 2021


1 Cup of Spinach

1/2 Zucchini (Preferably Spiralized)

1/2 Cup of Shredded Carrots

1/2 Cup of Shredded Red Cabbage


1/2 Avocado 

2 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Juice of 1/2 Lime


  • Prepare all of the vegetables as listed above. I highly recommend creating different textures with your vegetables to add variety.
  • Place the mixed greens at the bottom of the bowl then add all of the vegetables on top. Combine the avocado, extra virgin olive oil and the lime juice with salt and pepper to create a creamy dressing.
  • Serve with the dressing drizzled on top.


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