#antiinflammatory #autoimmune #brusselsprouts #butternutsquash #roastedviggies #sidedish Dec 08, 2020

I love Brussel sprouts and Butternut squash.  Put them together and you have a wonderful side dish for fall.  Add some cranberries and pecans and you have a Christmas Extravaganza!


  • 1 pound of brussel sprouts (or more depending on family size) cut in 1/2
  • 1 butternut squash diced (about 3 cups)
  • EVOO
  • 1/4 Dried Cranberries(omit if they have added sugar)
  • 1/2 cup Pecans toasted(use 2-4 tablespoons nutritional yeast if Autoimmune)
  • Maple Syrup
  • Cinnamon


For the pecans: Lightly toast in oven at 350 degrees until browned: about 5 minutes.  Watch closely as they can burn quickly.  Set aside

For the Veggies:

Toss the sprouts  in EVOO and Himalayan Salt to coat

Toss the squash in EVOO, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 TBL Maple syrup

Roast in oven at 400 degrees 20 minutes

  1. In a large bowl, combine roasted Brussels sprouts, roasted cinnamon butternut squash, cranberries, and lightly toasted pecans.
  2. Enjoy!

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