Shrimp Pad Thai

#dinner #glutenfreemuffin #notakeout #seafood #shellfish #shrimp #shrimppadthai Jul 12, 2021


(2 Servings)

6 oz of Brown Rice Noodles

8 oz of Shrimp

2 Cups of Organic Mung Bean Sprouts

2 Cloves of Garlic

1/4 Cup of Coconut Aminos

2 Tbsp of Almond Butter

1 Tbsp of Coconut Oil

Micro Greens (optional)


  • Heat up a pan on medium heat and add the coconut oil. Finely chop the garlic and add it to the pan with the shrimps.
  • Meanwhile fill up a pot with water and bring to a boil. Once the water is boiling add in the brown rice noodles.
  • Once the shrimps are ready add in the bean sprouts.
  • Combine the coconut aminos and the almond butter to form a thick sauce and toss it in the pan while lowering the heat.
  • Combine the noodles and the shrimp mixture together top with micro greens and enjoy.

Don't like shrimp?  That's ok.  Substitute the shrimp with a grilled chicken breast.  That is what I did for my one son who does not like shrimp.  I bought the chicken already grilled and after dishing out the noodles and shrimp, I tossed in the chicken to coat with the sauce and served it.  Here is what his plate looked like: 


Chicken                                                                      Shrimp

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