Cooking With Cam-Strawberry Vinegrette

#cooking with cam #homemade dressing #salad #summerdressing Jul 25, 2020

Every chance I get to hang with my youngest and impart my cooking ways is always a great day.  

While we are not "cooking" per say, we are creating a new dressing for our salad tonight.

This recipe is courtesy of a friend.  I did take some liberties with it in that I changed one of the ingredients.  Here is the recipe as I made it:

  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 2 TBLS apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2- 1 tsp maple syrup

Place all ingredients in a nutribullet or magic bullet and blend until well combined.

We poured this over a  huge spinach salad with red pepper, seedless cucumber, walnuts, feta cheese and hard boiled eggs and bacon.  YUM.


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