Stuffed Green Peppers in a Pot Cooking with Cam

#cookingwithkids #onepot #stuffed peppers May 02, 2020

Another great ONE POT dinner that I worked on with Cam.  

In a bind for what to eat and don't have a lot of time this is the perfect recipe:

Here is what you will need:

1 pound lean ground beef

1/2 chopped onion

3 cloves minced garlic

1/2 cup each of diced yellow and red pepper

14.5 oz can fires roasted tomatoes

1 cups vegetable broth(low sodium)

2 Tablespoons tomato paste

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

parsley for garnish.

3/4 cup cooked quinoa or brown rice

Brown the beef with onion and garlic until beef fully cooked, drain fat.  Add peppers, fire roasted tomatoes, broth, tomato paste, and seasonings.  Simmer until cooked through, about 10-15 minutes.  Add the cooked rice/quinoa before serving.

I doubled the recipe for my family of 5 and had a bit left over for lunch the next day.

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