Sweet Potato Muffins

#dessert #glutenfree #muffin #recipe #sugarfree #sweet potato Mar 12, 2020

This is a family favorite. Great for a quick breakfast, snack, even dessert.  Simple ingredients, gluten free, "sugar free", and it can be made egg free.  Here is what you will need for the recipe:

1 cup old fashioned GF Oats (Bob's Red Mill is what I use)

1 cup gluten free four.  My favorite to use is Bob's Red Mill 1:1 GF flour.  You can also use quinoa flour but the taste is not quite the same but still very good.  I have not been able to adapt this recipe to coconut or almond flour YET.

1 teaspoon baking powder(aluminum free)

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinammon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

Mix all these ingredients in a large bowl and then add

1 cup mashed sweet potato (whenever I make sweet potato I always make an extra one just to make these muffins.)

1/2 cup Surkin Gold Brown sugar substitute (Amazon sells this)

1/3 cup melted coconut oil or 1/3 cup applesauce

1/4 c Unsweetened Almond milk

1 egg or 2 Tablespoons water if you can't have eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix and fill a silicon muffin mat with equal amounts of the mixture. Top with crumble topping and bake in oven at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes.


1/4 cup oats,  2 tablespoons GF flour,  2 tablespoons surkin gold, 1 tablespoon butter melted, 1 teaspoon vanilla.  Mix all together and top each muffin equally before placing in oven.


                                       Topping Mixture                            Muffin Mixture



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