The #1 Trigger for Autoimmune

Apr 07, 2020

There are several triggers to Autoimmune Conditions, but today we will start with #1:



Stress in all forms: Emotional, Cognitive, Traumatic, Chemical and more. Our immune systems are in constant flux and influenced by both our internal environments (thoughts, feelings, emotions) and our external environments(foods, surroundings, contact with others, toxins).

The body cannot tell the difference between physical, chemical and emotional stress, it also cannot tell the difference between good and bad stress. It reacts the same: we go into fight or flight. This stress response, fight or flight, is a key role in the development and exacerbation of inflammatory conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers and Autoimmune disorders.

So, how can we lower the stress load on the body? Again, there are multiple facets to lowering stress, but today we will start with the one that YOU have complete control over...WHAT YOU EAT.

YES, food, or rather unhealthy or poor quality food, will not only trigger the stress response, it triggers inflammation and can ultimately wreak havoc on your health.

For me, my triggers are gluten, dairy and peanuts. Some of my favorite foods and drink, well not the dairy so much but the gluten( I love beer) and peanut butter(MMMMMM peanut butter, I could eat it by the fistful out of the jar. Not the skippy junk but REAL peanut butter. Unfortunately when I removed those from my diet I felt 10x better. The best way to figure out what your triggers are is to start with the most inflammatory foods for EVERYONE: Dairy and Gluten. Start eliminating those foods and I know you will feel a difference in your digestion at the very least. **eliminating gluten does not mean to substitute with gluten free alternatives** See I know what you were thinking.

Stay healthy my friends


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