The Best Low Carb Rolls

#bread #glutenfree #keto #lowcarb #nogluten #rolls Oct 19, 2020

I am not a bread eater.  At least not since I lost over 40 pounds.  That doesn't mean I don't occasionally have a craving to have a slice of hearty, homemade bread.

I do not like conventional bread.  It is too spongy, full of empty calories, has no nutritional value and wreaks havoc on my digestion.

So for that day, usually the cold winter month when I make soup, I like a piece of bread to soak up the juices.  

These low carb, gluten free rolls will do the trick. 

What is really cool, is you can make these in any shape and size you want to curb the craving.  I usually just shape them in a ball, but you could flatten them and make them like a hamburger roll or a bisquit.   Quick to make, long to bake but worth it.

I borrowed this recipe from

 Keto Rolls

1.25 cup almond flour

5 Tablespoons psyllium husk powder(buy on amazon or at the Vitamin Shoppe)

2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp himalayan salt

2 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 cup boiling water

3 egg whites

2 tablespoon sesame seeds(optional)

Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl

bring water to boil and add it along with egg whites and vinegar to the dry mixture. beat with hand mixer for 30 seconds. Don't over mix the dough, it should be the consistency of play dough.

Moisten hands and make 6 large ( I made 7) or smaller pieces of dough into balls. Place on parchment covered baking sheet.

cook on lower rack of preheated oven 350 degrees.

Bake 50-60 minutes depending on size of your bread. They are done when you hear a hollow sound when tapping the bottom of the bun.

 .  The rolls made into a bisquit


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