#cookie #dessert #recipe Mar 15, 2020

Remember those Girl Scout cookies the Samoa's?

Well here is a healthy version for you and your family.

These are so good you will want to hide them in your freezer so you don't eat then all at once. And may be to hide them from your kids.

4 ingredient “Samoa’s”

2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut toasted
2 cups unsulphured, no preservatives, dates

Combine the toasted coconut and dates in a food processor and pulse until makes a dough- like consistency

Shape the dough into tablespoon size balls and flatten, but not too thin. Using a straw, poke a hole in the middle of the cookie(the cookie may need a little reshaping after this). Put the cookies in freezer.

Meanwhile melt 2/3 cups dark chocolate and 1 tsp coconut oil.

Dip the bottom of the cookies into the chocolate and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Using a spoon drizzle the remaining chocolate over top of cookies. Place in freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then store in fridge.

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