The Perfect Protein Pancake

#breakfast #gluten free #pancake #postworkoutpancake Jun 13, 2020

The perfect pancake ANYTIME, but especially great after a workout!. So easy to make my youngest boy makes these anytime we have cottage cheese on the shelf.  Only 4 ingredients needed for these protein packed gluten free pancakes.  The recipe makes one large pancake.  Serve with a teaspoon of pure maple syrup and some blueberries, it's the perfect start to your day or after a workout.  You can substitute the cottage cheese for a non dairy version.

  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup each of gluten free oats and 2% cottage cheese
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking powder

Add all ingredients to a nutribullet and blend until a batter forms;

cook until it bubbles and easily moves when you shake the pan. If it doesn't easily pull away from pan, it is not ready.

see how the pancake moved away from the side of pan and kept its shape? That's how you know it is ready to flip.  So flip it and cook until done, less than 30 seconds.


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