Top 8 Triggers of Autoimmune Disease

#autoimmune #diabetes #hashimotos #lupus #ra #solutions Mar 31, 2020

Many who have Autoimmune Conditions have been told they will have it FOREVER.  

Now, that is true IF nothing is done to reverse the problem/condition that is going on in the body.  How do I know this to be true?

Years ago when all hope was lost and doctor's didn't know what was going on with me, I took matters into my own hands.  I did a blood test to look for 

  1. Antibodies against my thyroid: TPO, Thyroglobulin and Microsomal AB
  2. MTHFR(a genetic variant of the MTHFR gene.  More on MTHFR later)
  3. Nutritional Deficiencies: Vitamin D, Magnesium, B12, folate

Guess what I found?  I had antibodies against my Thyroid, a mutation of the MTHFR gene and I was deficient in D, B12 and Folate.  Even though I was taking supplements.

Anyhow, now I knew.  My body was attacking itself.  Yet, all the (traditional) doctors could offer me were to suppress my immune system and live with it.

Not a good answer.  If you "just live with it" or suppress the immune system, the problem gets WORSE over time 100% of the time.

What I wanted to know was WHY?

That is why I went back to school to learn more about Functional Medicine.

Functional Medicine looks for the WHY and getting to the ROOT cause.

Now, EVERYBODY has different root causes, but they all fall under these 8 triggers and you can have more than one trigger.  The ONE thing that is common between these 8?

They ALL cause INFLAMMATION.  INFLAMMATION is at the root of all chronic disease, not just AutoImmune.  You MUST put out the fire if you want your body to work better and restore your health.  These are the 8 triggers:

  1. Stress
  2. Poor Nutrition
  3. GI Stress (AKA Leaky Gut)
  4. Adrenal Fatigue
  5. Hormone Imbalances
  6. Toxins
  7. Medications
  8. Infection

Here is what I found: Finding your triggers, removing them and supporting your body with what it needs to regenerate and repair will reverse the process.  I know THIS to be true because I have used this process with myself and others that suffer with AI.

Start learning what your triggers are, remove those, and you will see a difference.  

If you want help in this area, want to know how to best put out the FIRE of AutoImmune, check out my Functional Medicine page Simple Solutions with Dr Misty or contact me, and let's see how we can work through this together.

Stay Healthy My Friend

Dr Misty

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