Turkey Chili in the Croc Pot

#5minutemeal #chili #groundturkey #onepotdinner Jun 28, 2020

We love chili anytime.  But a quick weeknight meal that can be prepped the night before and then cook in the crockpot all day while at work is the BEST.

Here is what you will need:

  • 2 pounds lean ground turkey sprinkled with Braggs Multi purpose seasoning and 2 cloves garlic  browned and then transferred to crock pot with out draining.  II use one pound 93% and one 99%)
  • 1 jar organic salsa (using salsa reduces prep by ALOT and adds a ton of flavor)
  • 1 can organic kidney beans, undrained
  • 1 4 oz can hunts tomato sauce
  • 1 cup chicken broth or chicken bone broth
  • 1 tablespoon each of cumin and chili powder or more whatever your taste
  • Dried parsely to taste and another dash of the Braggs Seasoning

Place the browned turkey in crock pot and add remaining ingredients. Stir and cook on low until ready to eat.  Or place in fridge for cooking the next day in crock pot on low all day. 


                Brown in pan                                            All ingredients in the Crock Pot

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