Vegan Power Bowl

#chicken #lunch #onedishdinner #powerbowl #vegan #vegetarian Feb 14, 2021

For a hearty meatless meal, or if you are like my son and want protein with dinner, add some cooked chicken.


(2 Servings)

2 Cups Baby Kale

1 Roasted Sweet Potato 

1 Avocado

1 Red Bell Pepper

1 Can of Black Bean

1 tsp of Olive Oil

2 Tbsp of Tahini
2 Tbsp of Lemon Juice


  • Pre-heat the oven at 350F/175C. Place the cube sized sweet potatoes on a baking tray with parchment paper and bake for 30 minutes.
  • While the sweet potatoes are baking, clean and chop up the kale. Once the kale is ready mix it in with the olive oil and massage it into the kale.
  • Chop the red pepper and avocado. Prepare the dressing by mixing the tahini and the fresh lemon juice together.
  • Once the sweet potatoes are done, place the massaged kale at the bottom of a dish and add all of the other ingredients on top of it and finish it off with the dressing.

Meal Prep ideas:

Pre cook the sweet potato(s) for a lunch or dinner later in the week, so all you have to do is heat up the beans and if you want, sautee the sweet potato to get a little crispness on the outside.

If your diet does not allow black beans substitute cooked pulled chicken. Of course its not a vegan meal then, but still delicious.  I put chicken on mine as I cannot eat black beans.  My children had black beans and chicken on theirs and they loved the salad.  I also added extra leafy greens to give more volume to the salad.

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