Warm Butternut Squash Quinoa Cranberry Salad

#just add chicken #main dish #one dish dinner #recipe #vegetarian Oct 19, 2020

I want to give credit where credit is due.  This recipe was posted on my business page by an employee.  I have since made a few adaptations of it due to having or not having certain foods in the fridge.  Like tonight I didn't have spinach but I did have power greens(a combination of spinach, kale, mazuna, and chard).  The mixture of "sweet" with the cranberries and squash with the crunch of walnuts and acidity of the balsamic vinegar make for a salad everyone will love, even the kids.  

Warm Butternut Squash Quinoa Cranberry Salad
(Gluten Free/Vegan)

Love this recipe for a Holiday dinner side dish.

An easy yet delicious recipe that is filled with nutrients & healthy ingredients!
A great option as a main Vegetarian entrée.
Adding chicken breast provides a dose of healthy protein
Adding a base of fresh spinach leaves or other dark greens creates more volume (and nutrients).

Ingredients: (Makes 6 cups/servings)
• 1 cup dry quinoa
• ¼ cup dried no sugar added cranberries
• 1/3 cup diced red onion
• 1 ½ cups roasted & cubed butternut squash
• ¼ cup chopped walnuts
• 1 cup chopped fresh spinach
• ¼ cup light/balsamic dressing of choice
• Salt/Pepper to taste
•Prep the squash: Cut in half & scoop out the seeds. Place up on baking sheet & roast at 375 for approximately 45 minutes until soft. Once cooled, peel off skin & cut into ½ inch cubes.
•Prep the quinoa: In a medium saucepan, boil your water & add quinoa; let it simmer & cook as directed until all the liquid is absorbed.
•To assemble salad: Combine the quinoa, squash and all other ingredients. Mix well until evenly combined. Store covered in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.

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